姓名:Derek Lovley 博士/教授
性别: 男
E-mail: dlovley@mail.neu.edu.cn
Derek Lovley教授是美国微生物科学院院士、马塞诸塞州州立大学杰出教授。研究领域为新型厌氧微生物的生理与生态学。主要研究方向包括地下水的原位生物净化、微生物燃料电池、厌氧呼吸作用的直接自然演化、厌氧生物被膜、微生物腐蚀、生物导电纳米线和胞外电子传递机理。这些研究不仅为人们从基因水平、生化和生态学角度认识微生物提供了创新性的思路,还能为新型生物材料的设计、微生物在绿色能源领域的应用提供理论依据。
Professor: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1995-present
PhD: Microbiology, Michigan State University, 1982
M.A.: Biological Sciences, Clark University, 1978
B.A., Biological Sciences, University of Connecticut, 1975
以第一作者或通讯作者在Science、Nature、Nature Reviews Microbiology、The Nature Biotechnology等顶级期刊发表具有重大影响力的论文20多篇;SCI刊物总引用114546余次。
1.Lovley, D.R., Holmes, D.E. Electromicrobiology: the ecophysiology of phylogenetically diverse electroactive microorganisms,Nat. Rev. Microbiol. ,2021,https://doi.org/10.1038/s41579-021-00597-6
2.Liu, X., Gao, H., Ward, J.E., Liu X., Yin, B., Fu, T., Chen, J., Lovley, D.R., Yao, J., Power generation from ambient humidity using protein nanowires.Nature, 550–554, 2020,https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2010-9
3.Malvankar, N., Yalcin, S., Tuominen, M., Lovley, D.R., Visualization of charge propagation along individual pili proteins using ambient electrostatic force microscopy,Nature Nanotech., 1012–1017, 2014, https://doi.org/10.1038/nnano.2014.236
4.Malvankar, N., Vargas, M., Nevin, K., Franks, A., Leang, C., Kim, B., Inoue, K., Mester, T., Covalla, S., Johnson, J., Rotello, V., Tuominen, M., Lovley, D.R., Tunable metallic-like conductivity in microbial nanowire networks.Nature Nanotech., 573–579, 2011,https://doi.org/10.1038/nnano.2011.119
5.Mahadevan, R., Palsson, B., Lovley, D.R., In situ to in silico and back: elucidating the physiology and ecology of Geobacter spp. using genome-scale modelling.Nat. Rev. Microbiol., 222, 2011,https://doi.org/10.1038/nrmicro2525
6.Summers, Z., Fogarty, H., Leang, C., Franks, A., and Malvankar, N., Lovley, D.R., Direct Exchange of Electrons Within Aggregates of an Evolved Syntrophic Coculture of Anaerobic Bacteria,Science, 1413-1415, 2010,https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1196526
7.Lovley, D.R., Bug juice: harvesting electricity with microorganisms. Nat. Rev. Microbiol., 497–508, 2006,https://doi.org/10.1038/nrmicro1442
8.Reguera, G., McCarthy, K., Mehta, T., Nicoll, J., Tuominen, M., Lovley, D.R., Extracellular electron transfer via microbial nanowires,Nature, 1098–1101, 2005,https://doi.org/10.1038/nature03661
9.Chaudhuri, S., Lovley, D.R., Electricity generation by direct oxidation of glucose in mediatorless microbial fuel cells,Nat. Biotechnol., 1229–1232, 2003,https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt867
10.Lovley, D.R., Cleaning up with genomics: applying molecular biology to bioremediation,Nat. Rev. Microbiol., 35–44, 2003,https://doi.org/10.1038/nrmicro731
11.Kashefi, K., Lovley, D.R., Extending the upper temperature limit for life,Science, 934, 2003,https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1086823
12.Tender, L.M. Reimers, C.E. Stecher, H.A., Holmes, D.E., Bond, D.R., Lowy, D.A., Pilobello, K., Fertig, S.J., Lovley, D.R., Harnessing microbially generated power on the seafloor,Nat. Biotechnol., 821–825, 2002,https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt716
13.Childers, S., Ciufo, S., Lovley, D.R.,Geobacter metallireducens accesses insoluble Fe(III) oxide by chemotaxis,Nature, 767–769, 2002,https://doi.org/10.1038/416767a
14.Bond, D.R., Holmes, D.E., Tender, L.M., Lovley, D.R., Electrode-reducing microorganisms that harvest energy from marine sediments, ,Science, 483-485, 2002,https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1066771
15.Chapelle, F., O'Neill, K., Bradley, P., Methe, B.A., Ciufo, S.A., Knobel, L.L., Lovley, D.R., A hydrogen-based subsurface microbial community dominated by methanogens,Nature, 312–315, 2002,https://doi.org/10.1038/415312a
16.Lovley, D.R., Bioremediation - Anaerobes to the rescue,Science, 1444-1446, 2001,https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1063294
17.Lovley, D.R., Lloyd, J., Microbes with a mettle for bioremediation,Nat. Biotechnol., 600–601, 2000,https://doi.org/10.1038/76433
18.Anderson, R.T., Lovley, D.R., Biogeochemistry - Hexadecane decay by methanogenesis,Nature, 722–723, 2000,https://doi.org/10.1038/35008145
19.Vargas, M., Kashefi, K., Blunt-Harris, E., Lovley, D.R., Microbiological evidence for Fe(III) reduction on early Earth,Nature, 65–67, 1998,https://doi.org/10.1038/25720
20.Anderson, R.T., Chapelle, F.H., Lovley, D.R., Evidence against hydrogen-based microbial ecosystems in basalt aquifers,Science, 976-977, 1998,https://doi.org/10.1126/science.281.5379.976
21.Lovley, D., Coates, J., Blunt-Harris, E., Phillips, E.J.P., Woodward, J.C., Humic substances as electron acceptors for microbial respiration,Nature, 445–448, 1996,https://doi.org/10.1038/382445a0